
Help Support the Lady Raider Softball Team

Dear Supporter,

The Lady Raider Softball team has an exciting year planned.  We are asking for donations to raise funds that are necessary for the Lady Raider Softball program to operate. We depend on businesses as well as individuals in the community to support our team in order for us to not only compete but also represent the City of Cleveland. I am hoping that you will consider sponsoring us with a donation of $25 or more that will assist us with important team expenses.  Our expenses for the 2012-2013 season consists of umpire fees, tournament fees, travel, team apparel, field maintenance, as well as new equipment for the team's progression.

Our goal is to acquire sufficient funds from sponsors to strengthen the foundation of our team and to ensure the future success of the program.  Your donation serves as an excellent way to give back to your community. We graciously accept any assistance you can offer and thank you in advance for your support for our team and Cleveland High School.

Donors will be presented with a letter of thanks as well as an autographed team photo.  Any donor that gives over $100 will receive sponsor status which will be recognized on our team sponsor board located at the Lady Raider Softball Stadium as well as name recognition over the P. A. system during our home games.

Please help support our softball program and our outstanding student-athletes. All funds will be used for the promotion of a quality softball program at Cleveland High School.  We hope to see you at our games this spring! Please print and complete the form below.

Thank You for Your Support,

Connie Stobert
Head Softball Coach
Cleveland High School
423.478.1113 x8568

Donor Information:

Business Name/Organization: ________________________________________________________________

Owner/Contact Person: ______________________________________________________________

Mailing Address: ___________________________ City: _____________ Zip:  _________________

Business Phone: _______________________ OR Contact Person Phone: ______________________

Email Address: ____________________________________________________________________
Name as you wish for it to appear on the 2012-2013 Cleveland Lady Raider Sponsor Board (if you donate $100 or more)

**Please attach or email a business logo or business card that you would like to appear on the sponsor board.

Lady Raider Asking for Your Support: __________________________________________________________________

Please Mail Completed Form and Donation to:
CHS Lady Raider Softball
c/o Connie Stobert
850 Raider Drive
Cleveland, TN  37312
*Make checks payable to CHS Softball
Thank You for Your Support!
Please direct any questions to cstobert@clevelandschools.org